What I love about not being employed are naps.
I love sleeping. I have wonderful, vivid, lucid dreams. I love feeling all warm and snuggled in. I love that little frisson of worry that I will oversleep and forget to do something important. It hasn't happened yet, so it is still a delicious tension. I love knowing that grown-ups shouldn't take naps.
I especially love sneaky, Lying Naps. Unintended pun aside, lying naps are the ones you don't mean to take - at least if anyone asked. The "I will just close my eyes and pretend to nap until the child falls asleep" kinds of naps. Nevermind that he is all hyped-up on peanut butter and jelly and hasn't napped in months. This time you can convince youreself that he really will go right to sleep if you just rest your eyes for a minute (in his twin bed, under his Transformers comforter.)
Later you can just say, "wow, I guess I really needed a rest!"
The Lying Naps are the best.
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