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Sunday, September 19, 2010

There is Something Happening!

See that?  See it?  What?  You don't see it?  LOOK!

That is a Turnip.  Honest.  Very exciting!

And this!  This is Kale:

And Chard:

And Spinach:

What do you mean, you can't tell the difference?  Hah

Um, well, neither can I.  But I know where I planted them, and all plants look similar when their cotyledon leaves poke through.  Those are the tough leaves that break open the seed, and push up through the soil.  They fall off once the real growth starts.

So, we will have something growing in our little garden elephants.  But the first sprouts are few and far between.  I am choosing to be optimistic.  The other little buggers will poke through later this week.  Right?  Right?

No sign yet of the carrots, cabbage, broccoli, or beets.  But I know they are coming too.

Well, at least I hope so.

That is all for now.  I made signs for all the elephants, but stopped short of making them look like tombstones.  Pictures to come later.  Maybe.


  1. The one, the only....September 19, 2010 at 7:47 PM

    It must be nice to be back in the south - warm weather, late growing season.

    By the way, your niece gobbled up some of your apple sauce for breakfast. We'll have to have a canning party next summer when we come visit - I need the recipes!

  2. Yay! I so hope you come visit. We can do lots of canning - depending on what is in season. Apple season is now, though. I can send you the recipe, if you want. It was very, very easy.

  3. Hahaha! You're a miracle worker. I love the way you posted this too. Can't wait for more!


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